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volume 61, issue 10, august 2024
1. title: constitutive outsides or hidden abodes? totality and ideology in critical urban theory
authors: william conroy
abstract: in the context of hotly contested debates within critical urban theory, many scholars have recently attempted (both implicitly and explicitly) to move beyond the relational-dialectical concept of �totality�, taking up the notion of �the constitutive outside� in its place. with this in view, this article seeks to (1) develop a critique of the ways in which the concept of the constitutive outside is deployed in these debates; and (2) to sketch another path forward � one that understands capitalist urbanisation as a distinctive moment in the evolution of a world-encompassing and internally related socio-spatial totality, while also attending to well-founded concerns among theorists of the constitutive outside regarding the question of difference and ascriptive hierarchisation. more precisely, this article will pursue a close reading of work on the constitutive outside in critical urban theory, suggesting that it effectively re-articulates longstanding and entrenched tenets of capitalist ideology, positing the image of a �space-time of the other�. and it will conclude with a revised conceptualisation of totality for critical urban theory, building on nancy fraser�s recent work on capitalism�s racialised, gendered, and ecological �hidden abodes�.
2. title: diverging mobility situations in greater mexico city: exploring the factors behind the mobility situations of public transport commuters
authors: david l�pez-garc�a
abstract: this article investigates the factors behind the likelihood of experiencing a specific type of mobility situation. the case of commuting by public transport in greater mexico city is analysed. a one-way anova with post-hoc procedures and three multinomial logistic regression models are used to assess the extent to which transport-, land use- or socio-economic-related variables influence the likelihood of experiencing a specific mobility situation. the results show that the mobility situations of workers are primarily influenced by the socio-economic characteristics of commuters, followed by land-use patterns and the availability of transport systems, respectively. this means that in addition to transport-related policies, reducing commuting disparities in urban regions will require policies able to reduce socio-economic inequalities and influence the urban structure.
3. title: back to the suburbs? millennial residential locations from the great recession to the pandemic
authors: hyojung lee, whitney airgood-obrycki, riordan frost
abstract: in the past decade, there has been a great deal of attention paid to and speculation about the residential mobility and location decisions of millennials. academics and practitioners alike have been trying to determine where millennials are moving and why, including whether they are leading a �back to the city� movement or whether they are moving to the suburbs as previous generations did at their age. using us census data, this article examines the geographical population distribution of young adults in the usa in recent decades. categorising neighbourhoods by their urban or suburban character and by their central or peripheral location, we find that millennials lived in urban areas on the heels of the great recession at higher rates than previous generations. however, over the decade, the millennial population gradually shifted towards suburban areas: central urban and peripheral urban neighbourhoods largely lost millennial residents from 2011 to 2021, while peripheral suburban neighbourhoods experienced substantial gains. when it comes to neighbourhood amenities (e.g. restaurants and parks), millennials largely left amenity-rich areas for neighbourhoods with fewer amenities, though these amenities grew faster in the neighbourhoods that gained millennials the most. millennial suburbanisation seems to be associated with housing affordability and demand for larger homes, as the population shift was more pronounced in the metros that have lower housing affordability and a lower share of larger homes in their central urban neighbourhoods. the results indicate the importance of affordable and right-sized housing, complemented with neighbourhood amenities, in attracting and retaining this population group.
4. title: local policy-making within the multilevel system: a study of governance in peripheral(ised) medium-sized cities undergoing socio-economic transformation in saxony, germany and lower silesia, poland
authors: rafab gajewski, robert knippschild
abstract: our motivation for undertaking this research was to verify the scope and results of public policies aimed at supporting peripheralised medium-sized cities, and to check how these policies have been perceived by stakeholders within these cities. we selected the polish-german borderland as a case region for this, primarily due to a particular concentration of cities experiencing the detrimental effects of socio-economic transformation. these are also cities exposed to the consequences of radicalising political discourse. we chose two pairs of cities comparable to centres behind the border: bautzen and g�rlitz (located in east saxony), as well as zgorzelec and jelenia g�ra (the western part of lower silesia). we assumed peripheralisation, left-behind places and multilevel governance to be the theoretical frameworks to capture the dynamics of processes taking place within such peripheral(ised) medium-sized cities. our main research objective was to investigate the way the public authorities have been navigating their respective paths within the multi-level urban development / regional policy systems. the main conclusion of the research is the low institutional capacity among the public authorities in the given cities to allow them to be able to reverse negative trends.
5. title: proximity as urban democratic legitimacy: strategies of participation in buenos aires
authors: sam halvorsen, rocio annunziata
abstract: since 2007, buenos aires has been governed by a centre-right coalition that has made participation an integral part of its approach to governance. under mayor horacio rodr�guez larreta (2015�2023), the idea and practice of proximity became central, notably through weekly meetings with neighbours across the city. this article demonstrates that proximity was a strategy for building urban democratic legitimacy. in so doing, it introduces the work of pierre rosanvallon to an urban studies readership. contemporary literature on urban participation is at risk of establishing ontologically fixed positions, as seen in recent debates on the �post-political city�. rosanvallon�s legitimacy of proximity is an analytical device that provides an open and non-essential reading of participation. based on extensive qualitative research, the article examines how and why larreta and his city government deployed the strategy of proximity, while also highlighting its limits.
6. title: doing sonic urban ethnography: voices from shanghai, berlin and london
authors: ana aceska, karolina doughty, muhammet esat tiryaki, katherine robinson, eva tisnikar, fang xu
abstract: matters of sound and listening are increasingly being attended to across the social sciences and humanities, reflecting what has been termed a �sonic turn� since the early 2000s. in urban ethnographic research, scholars are starting to pay attention to the role of sound in social relations, in expressions of identity and senses of belonging, as well as in processes of othering. in this paper, we explore the theoretical and methodological opportunities of sonic urban ethnography, that is, an urban ethnography that foregrounds sound and listening in theoretical and methodological ways. we argue that the promise of sonic urban ethnography lies in its ability to interrupt the predominant focus on text and the visual by developing expanded practices of listening for alternative ways of knowing and engaging with the urban. we share four empirical vignettes from shanghai, berlin and london that illustrate, in their different ways, the power exercised through sound in the urban environment. our discussion of the empirical cases highlights three key �lessons� for doing sonic urban ethnography.
7. title: neighbourhood structure and environmental quality: a fine-grained analysis of spatial inequalities in urban germany
authors: christian k�nig
abstract: urban environments are characterised by sparsity of space, elevated levels of air pollution and limited exposure to natural environments. yet, residential environmental quality varies substantially both between and within cities. this study combines information on the socio-economic and demographic composition of 243,607 urban neighbourhoods with administrative and remote sensing data on the spatial distribution of industrial plants and urban green space to investigate patterns of environmental inequality in urban germany at unprecedented levels of spatial granularity. it disentangles neighbourhood disadvantages experienced by foreign minorities (non-nationals) from those experienced by low-income households in order to assess the plausibility of economic explanations of residential sorting. the high level of spatial granularity makes it possible to examine patterns of environmental inequality not only between the relatively large areas that have been used as units of analysis in previous work but also within them, while reducing the threat of ecological bias. results indicate that non-nationals are more likely to be exposed to industrial air pollution and less likely to live close to green spaces. this association holds even after adjusting for neighbourhood income composition and in fixed-effects specifications that restrict the analysis to within-city variation. i find no evidence for environmental inequality by socio-economic status. exploratory sub-sample analyses show that neighbourhood disadvantages for non-nationals are higher in cities characterised by high levels of anti-foreigner sentiment, pointing towards housing market discrimination as a potentially important driver of foreign residents� neighbourhood disadvantage.
8. title: those who leave: out-migration and decentralisation of welfare beneficiaries in gentrified paris
authors: luc guibard, renaud le goix
abstract: in major metropolitan areas, gentrification, financialisation and welfare retrenchment contribute to a severe housing crisis. over the past 20 years, home price inflation and affordable housing shrinkage have been particularly acute in paris. such issues have been linked to the displacement of lower-income parisians and the suburbanisation of poverty on a regional scale. in this article, we match disaggregated data from the family benefits fund (caf) with information on local housing markets, to empirically document these expulsionary processes. our methodology is twofold. first, we investigate out-migration factors using logistic regressions. second, we compare households� changes in access to the city centre and urban resources following a move. data show that social vulnerability is associated with a greater risk of leaving paris and that housing welfare is playing a crucial role in mitigating this risk. also, the higher the pressure on local housing markets, the more social inequalities determine mobility behaviour. finally, beyond the effects of family structure, patterns of decentralisation are related to income level: less affluent households go farther from the city centre, job opportunities and services than higher-income households.
9. title: smart cities at the intersection of public governance paradigms for sustainability
authors: giuseppe grossi, olga welinder
abstract: as a research domain, the smart city keeps growing, despite the remaining contradictions and ambiguity related to its conceptual aspects. we propose to dig deeper into the complex socio-technical nature of the smart city and examine the concept through the lens of different public governance paradigms, therefore aligning it with the sustainability outcomes. embracing interrelated dimensions of humans, technologies and organisations, the smart city can be viewed through the intersection of public governance paradigms (digital governance, collaborative governance and networks). the case of the smart city initiative of tampere in finland serves as an empirical illustration of how the proposed conceptual model might be applied in practice. providing a novel approach to the smart city from a public management perspective, this model would allow policymakers to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of smart city governance and its multi-dimensional outcomes, in terms of social, environmental and economic sustainability. this approach enables the unlocking of the potential to generate multiple values for each group of actors and ensure more effective integration of smart initiatives, policies and projects, based on the public governance paradigms.
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10. title: urban surfaces, graffiti, and the right to the city: space, materiality and the normative
authors: tim cresswell
abstract: the article reviews the book urban surfaces, graffiti, and the right to the city: space, materiality and the normative by sabina andron.
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